I Changed My Mind
I don't feel like it.
So I was going to start working on the site offline and then updating it once a day or week or whatever. But I don't feel like going through the hassle.
The plan was to use Visual Studios and work on the site offline using XAMPP. But it is a pain in the ass. However, I got Visual Studios set up to directly edit my files on the server, making formatting and troubleshooting a little easier.
But Dreamhost has an excellent editor built in. It's so much easier to open a few tabs on the browser and work on the site that way. It has worked well thus far so I will just keep doing it that way. Having many different windows open and trying to jump back and forth is a pain in the ass.
It would be a different story if I had a proper setup with multiple monitors. I have the equipment to set up my system with multiple monitors and work on the site that way, but I don't feel like setting it up.
I am currently sitting on my reclining couch, with a wireless mouse and keyboard, and using my big screen to work on the site. So setting up a desk with multiple monitors doesn't sound fun.
I ultimately plan to use the software I'm producing here on my website, Wisedocks.com. The main reason is that I'm using WordPress there and the site is really slow. I was comparing the two the other day here.
In my tests, Wisedocks took 3.6 seconds to load which is way too long. But today, I removed all Google Adsense ads from the site and removed social share buttons on the homepage. That sped the site up to 1.6 seconds to load. That's a 55% increase! I haven't been making enough money on the ads to constitute a 2-second delay in loading, so I will keep them shut off for the foreseeable future.
If I could get the site to load that fast without the CDN, I wouldn't worry so much about getting this software going. It does make me breathe a little easier, knowing the site is at least under 2 seconds. Time will tell if that extra speed helps my Google rankings.
I said the other day that I plan to work on this site and migrate the software to my other sites sometime next year. But within a few months, I will be ready to go. The software is prepared for what I need on the other sites.
If I could get the software ready to go that quickly, I should be ready to make a move within a month or so. I will wait until the mood hits me, though, as moving just Wisedocks will be a several-week effort to migrate the posts to this software. I've set my backend up quite differently from how WordPress works. So migrating the images and posts will be a manual effort at this point.
So I may wait until I can figure out how to migrate everything with some automation.
StellarHistory.com only has about 30 articles at this point, so it would be beneficial to go ahead with the move there before I go crazy adding new articles.
I've also thought about going wild with one of the sites and doing an all-in-one module for the admin panel to keep an eye on stats and various other things for all sites in one place.
But I still have quite a bit to do regarding settings. There are still a few things hard-coded that I want to make options for in the admin panel. And I want to get that sorted before migrating the software to the other domains. So that will be my mission next week. I also haven't set the categories up properly on the front end. That will be vital for the other sites to function correctly.
Time Off
I've noticed my motivation to work on the functions has waned quite a bit this week, and that's okay. I need the break. The problem is I can't get the need to work on the site out of my head. I had planned to take a long bike ride today to get out. But I only managed 5 miles and thought about working on the site the entire time.
I've even tried playing video games and watching television, but I keep thinking about working on the site. But I quickly lose interest every time I start to work on the site. So I'm in a funk at the moment.
I wasn't supposed to work on FartDump this week, anyway. The plan was to build a bunch of quotes for Wisedocks, but I only managed three so far. I need to find something else to occupy my time to unwind for a week or so.