
Bring Back The Funny

Bring Back The Funny
Published on: November 1st, 2023
Last updated: October 8th, 2024

Back to the Meme Game—But on Wisedocks This Time

Let me explain.

Like most people, I spend a lot of time scrolling through social media. I rarely post much, but when I do, I go all out. I’ll get on a streak, shit-posting left and right—especially on Facebook. My friends either find it hilarious or straight-up annoying. So, last year, I thought I'd fix that by starting a new project.

This is the story of how FartDump.com was born, changed a thousand times, and how I'm shifting gears again—now focusing on Wisedocks.com.

My Random Meme Escapade

It all started with an old Facebook page I created back in 2010, during my website-building phase. The page was a dusty relic from the site crazypix.com or something along those lines. I decided to revive it, much to the delight of all 50 people who followed it from years ago.

The page was called dailycrazypix, which felt pretty cringe to me now, so I wanted to change it up. My uncle, who is also a certified shit-poster, jumped on board to help brainstorm new names. After throwing ideas back and forth, we settled on FartDump. It’s dumb, it’s goofy, and it’s perfect for a meme page.

Once we started posting again, it felt like the good ol' days. We even started creating our own memes instead of just stealing them. Then, the idea lightbulb went off in my head…

Enter: FartDump.com

Naturally, I needed a website to host these masterpieces, so I bought FartDump.com and threw together a simple WordPress blog for our meme collection.

But I couldn't stop there. The blog quickly morphed into a parody news site, with sarcastic posts like those on The Onion. I had a blast doing it, and people were loving it. I even spent a little on Facebook ads, and the followers started rolling in—over 6,000 in just a few weeks!

But then... Facebook Jail.

The Great Facebook Jail Debacle

Facebook’s TOS hammer came down hard on us. I was getting flagged for posts left and right—most of which didn’t even violate their terms! But Facebook’s AI said otherwise. Our page was shadowbanned, and I got slapped with a year-long probation. Even my personal account was affected. Now, anything I post reaches a whopping 5 people. Amazing, right?

Oh, and let's not forget when Google got mad too.

Google Lost Its Sense of Humor

Around the time of the Ukraine conflict, I made a satirical post targeting a certain Russian leader. Google didn’t find it funny and promptly suspended my AdSense account for "glorifying violence." Long story short, the big tech overlords weren’t too keen on my style of humor.

So, I decided to hit pause on FartDump.com and focus on Wisedocks.com. But the name FartDump had grown on me. I liked the idea of a no-nonsense shit-posting hub.

I was getting fed up with WordPress plugins and constant updates. Plus, almost everything seemed to be hidden behind a paywall. So, I decided to build my own little content management system, just for me. I’ve since used it on Fartdump.com, Wisedocks.com and StellarHistory.com.

Lately, I’ve only been posting personal rants, random updates, and using the site as a dumping ground for my AI image experiments. But that’s about to change. If you are reading this then you may notice the AI images are now here.

What’s Next?

I’m thinking of bringing some of that same old meme energy here to Wisedocks.com. Sure, maybe memes are going out of style, but I still enjoy them, so why not? I might even throw in some sarcastic parody articles like I used to. This isn’t about making money (I’ve made less than a dollar in ad revenue all year); it’s about having fun and creating something I enjoy.

Bottom line: I want to make this website fun and entertaining—even if it’s just for me. Sometimes, you have to take a step back and remember why you started in the first place. These websites are my hobbies, and I think I’ve finally figured out what I want to do with them.

Hopefully, this will be my last serious post for a while. Time to get stupid and have some fun with Wisedocks.

And as I used to sign off: Goodbye, fuckers. I love you!

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